October 2024

  • openapi-processor-spring/micronaut 2024.5

support for servers/server/url

it is now possible to tell the processor to generate a properties resource file with the path of a selected OpenAPI servers/server/url.

Given an OpenAPI description with a servers key:

openapi: 3.1.0
  title: server url example
  version: 1.0.0

  - url: "https://openapiprocessor.io/{path}"
        default: api
# ...

and a mapping

openapi-processor-mapping: v9
    # false/true=0,1,2,... (default false)
    server-url: true

it will generate a properties file api.properties

openapi.base.path = /api

that can be used to configure the (Spring) context-path:

# application.properties

#spring.config.import = api.properties

See Server Url for more.

javadoc of record

a record should have its javadoc at the record using @param s to describe the record properties.

Instead of

 * this is the <em>Foo</em> schema description
@Generated(value = "openapi-processor-core", version = "test")
public record Foo(
     * <em>property</em> description
    String fooBar
) {}

the processor now generates:

 * this is the <em>Foo</em> schema description
 * @param fooBar <em>property</em> description
@Generated(value = "openapi-processor-core", version = "test")
public record Foo(
    String fooBar
) {}

warn on endpoint without success response

the processor ignores endpoints that have no success response (i.e. 2xx response code). To detect this "error" at compile time the processor will now print a warning with the effected endpoint.

type annotation mapping ignored with model-name-suffix

using a mapping like this:

openapi-processor-mapping: v9
  model-name-suffix: Resource

    - type: Foo @ io.openapiprocessor.Annotation()

did not add the annotation because of the model-name-suffix.

dependency updates

  • updated (internal) OpenAPI parser to 2024.4 (was 2024.3)

  • updated com.fasterxml.jackson:jackson-bom from 2.17.1 to 2.18.0

  • updated com.google.googlejavaformat:google-java-format from 1.22.0 to 1.23.0