June 2024

  • openapi-processor-spring/micronaut 2024.4

add request body description to javadoc

The request body description is added as @param to the generated javadoc.

openapi: 3.1.0
  title: javadoc
  version: v1

        description: this is the request body
        # ...

missing @Generated

the generated Values and ValueValidator (used by enum-type string) were not annotated with @Generated.

missing import of class annotation parameter

using a .class parameter in a class annotation mapping did not add the import of the parameter class.

    - type: Foo @ io.oap.ClassAnnotation(value = io.oap.Param.class)

In this example the import for Param was missing.

disable @Generated

its is now possible to disable the @Generated annotation. If it is disabled the processor will not add it to any generated type.

openapi-processor-mapping: v8

  # ...

  # enable/disable generated annotation, true (default) or false.
  generated-annotation: false

control @JsonProperty annotation

By setting the json-property-annotation option is is possible to control the generation of the @JsonProperty annotation. It allows three values: always, auto or never.

  • always: (the default) adds a @JsonProperty annotation to all properties.

  • auto: only adds a @JsonProperty annotation to a property if it is required, i.e. if the OpenAPI property name is not a valid java identifier or if a property uses the readOnly/ writeOnly (OpenAPI) flags.

  • never: never adds a @JsonProperty annotation to the properties. This may generated invalid code if the property name is not a valid java identifier.

openapi-processor-mapping: v8

  # ...

  # control @JsonProperty annotation, always (default), auto, never.
  json-property-annotation: auto