October 2022

  • openapi-processor-spring/micronaut 2022.5

annotation mapping

this is a new feature.

It allows to place additional annotations on generated model classes. It is possible to place the annotation at the class itself or on parameters of that type.

openapi-processor-mapping: v2.1 (1)

  package-name: io.openapiprocessor.openapi
  bean-validation: true

    - type: Bar @ io.openapiprocessor.samples.validations.Sum(24) (2)

    - type: Foo @ io.openapiprocessor.samples.validations.Sum(value = 42) (3)

The Sum annotation in the example is a custom bean validation but the feature itself is not limited to bean validation.

1 use v2.1 as the mapping version to avoid validation warnings in the mapping file.
2 the Bar mapping is using a global type annotation mapping, so the annotation is added to the generated Bar class.
3 the Foo mapping adds the annotation to the parameter of the endpoint methods that use Foo.

See annotation mapping for the details.


This will replace the text header from the generated files with a (generated) @Generated annotation.

Other tools may be able to detect the generated files and ignore them.

For example jacoco automatically ignores @Generated classes. It is no longer necessary to exclude the generated files from code coverage.

A generated interface/class will now look like this:

package io.openapiprocessor.release;

import io.openapiprocessor.release.support.Generated;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;

@Generated(value = "openapi-processor-spring", version = "2022.6", date = "2022-09-28T18:37:33.250622+02:00")
public interface ReleaseApi {
// ...

Because of the longish date the code formatter will probably add a few line breaks.

Generation of the data parameter can be disabled by setting the generated-date option to false:

openapi-processor-mapping: v2.1 (1)

  package-name: io.openapiprocessor.openapi
  generated-date: false
1 use v2.1 as the mapping version to avoid validation warnings in the mapping file.

additional parameter configuration did not working in global context

using an additional parameter in the global context was not implemented.

    - add: request => javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

@HeadMapping/@TraceMapping/@OptionsMapping do not exist

a few http methods do not have an explicit mapping annotation: @HeadMapping, @TraceMapping, @OptionsMapping.

The processor now generates @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod. {http method} )) .

windows path handling

was broken since 2022.4