Running the processor with JDK 16 or newer requires a bit of extra configuration.

openapi-processor runs a java code formatter on the generated source code by default. Unfortunately it depends on internal jdk packages that are strongly encapsulated since JDK 16. It is necessary to export a few packages.

Running java from a cli it would look like this (from google-java-format):

java \
  --add-exports jdk.compiler/ \
  --add-exports jdk.compiler/ \
  --add-exports jdk.compiler/ \
  --add-exports jdk.compiler/ \
  --add-exports jdk.compiler/ \
  --add-exports jdk.compiler/ \
  -jar ...

gradle configuration for JDK 16+

With gradle we can hide this in (sibling to build.gradle) by adding the following snippet:

org.gradle.jvmargs= \
  --add-exports jdk.compiler/ \
  --add-exports jdk.compiler/ \
  --add-exports jdk.compiler/ \
  --add-exports jdk.compiler/ \
  --add-exports jdk.compiler/ \
  --add-exports jdk.compiler/

maven configuration for JDK 16+

With maven we can hide this in .mvn/jvm.config by adding the snippet:

--add-exports jdk.compiler/
--add-exports jdk.compiler/
--add-exports jdk.compiler/
--add-exports jdk.compiler/
--add-exports jdk.compiler/
--add-exports jdk.compiler/

disabling the code formatter

Alternatively it is possible to skip the formatting step by disabling it in the options section of the mapping.yaml. The generated code will probably look a bit ugly…​